In this episode, I talk about about the most effective way to drive free traffic to your fiction book or series, and two highly effective ways to use them.
1. Fiction Lead Magnet specialty sites like Book Funnel and Story Origin and
2. Listing them for Free on book retailers such as Amazon, B&N, Kobo, etc.
Come get some book marketing pro tips!
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Author Links:
Get my Crafting Fiction 101 course, which gives you all the basic elements of great stories you'll need to write compelling fiction: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/offers/LSPjg55A
Author Email Nurture Sequences That Sell Course: https://faba.authorlkhill.com/offers/awxzZzbn
Free PDF: 10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot