Every reader says they want plot twists. But do they really? In order to craft killer plot twists, we need to understand them, inside and out. The psychology of a plot twist and how to master it in fiction is probably different than what you think. In this episode, we discuss:

1) The psychology of a plot twist and why it works.
2) What the reader says they want vs. what they really want.
3) The two main types of plot twist you can create.
4) Four steps to setting up an effective plot twist.
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3 Types of Character Arcs (Linear Dynamic, Dynamic Shift, Non-Dynamic): https://youtu.be/Ht-jkVozSWA
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5 Steps to Planning the Beginning, Middle, and End of Your Fiction Story: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/15ce876ece
7 Ways to Sell Your Book Every Month Without Breaking the Bank: https://liesel-k-hill.ck.page/6ab8a5aa2e
10 Plot-Thickening Events that Every Fiction Best Seller Includes: https://bit.ly/10Plot
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