Let's face it: all the ads in the world won't help you sustain your author business if your stories kinda suck.
But how do we define what sucks and what does? Taste in literature is so subjective, is it even possible to define it?
Actually yes. I'm here to tell you it does. And it has nothing to do with taste or genre preference. There are ways to know that your stories will land with your readers every single time, no matter what genre you write.
In this week's episode, we're going to discuss the nuts and bolts of how to do that. Join me and transform your writing. Never again have to guess about whether your readers will love it or not.
Give today's episode a listen. I guarantee you'll learn things you've never considered before. Here's to cultivating SUPER FANS!
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Sell More Fiction, Create More Mega Fans by Marketing at Every Stage of the Author Journey: https://bit.ly/Fiction-Marketing
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Check Out ConvertKit: https://bit.ly/TPAEmail